KASHISH is owned and run by dietitian and nutritionist Kashish Alimchandani. She has successfully helped thousands of ladies to shape up and lose weight in a healthy and natural way. Her clientele includes professionals, celebs from film and fashion fraternity, doctors, socialites and housewives. Kashish believes there is no magical shortcut to weight-loss. Successful and Natural weight-loss can be achieved by leading a healthy active lifestyle accompanied by a nutritious diet. Energy and vitality only begins with what you eat. Kashish helps you train your brain to crave healthy foods and create the body you want by her personalized step-by-step diet plans, especially designed for her exclusive clients to suit their individual needs and by helping them to change their lifestyle to maximize their success at weight-loss and to keep it off for good. During her counseling sessions, she tries to broaden her clients understanding towards healthy eating and positive thinking.